Koiwai Farm has steadily come up with ideas and worked hard to develop the agriculture, forestry and livestock industries on a consistent basis for more than 130 years since cultivating the wilderness at the foot of Mt. Iwate. We are now expanding into new related fields based on those achievements.

We are introducing new technologies and collaborating with those in other fields with a constant desire to improve as a progressive farm which takes on challenges in both our existing and new businesses.

Furthermore, we implement thorough breeding management and quality control under our motto of “safety, peace of mind, clear parentage and high quality.” At the same time, we also embody environmental conservation, sustainable and circular business management for environmental problems.


Overview of Koiwai Farm


Overview of Koiwai Farm

Koiwai Farm is a comprehensive production farm owned by Koiwai Farm, Ltd.

We are located 12 km northwest of Morioka at the southern foot of Mt. Iwate.
We have a total area of approximately 3,000 hectares.
Two thirds of this area is mountain forests and 630 hectares is cultivated land.
Moreover, we have opened up 40 hectares in the center to the general public as Makiba Park.
The remaining area is land we use for facilities.

Location of Koiwai Farm

Tokyo to Morioka on the Tohoku Shinkansen
Approx. 2 hours and 10 minutes
Kawaguchi JCT to Morioka IC on the Tohoku Expressway
From Morioka IC on the Tohoku Expressway to Koiwai Farm
From JR Koiwai Station to Koiwai Farm
From JR Shizukuishi Station to Koiwai Farm
From JR Morioka Station to Koiwai Farm
From Hanamaki Airport to Koiwai Farm
49 km (Approx. 1 hour by car)


Koiwai Farm Takes on Challenges

We will meet the needs of the times based on the technologies we have built up with efforts over many years in the agriculture, forestry and livestock industries. We introduce here the new challenges Koiwai Farm is taking on based on coexistence with the environment and safety, peace of mind, clear parentage and high quality.


Coexistence with the Environment

Technology Which Coexists with Nature

Koiwai Farm has coexisted with nature on a consistent basis for over 120 years as a production farm.
For example, the forests accounting for two thirds of the area of Koiwai Farm are afforested land made artificially. We have planted trees suitable for each of the over 100 areas and have continued systematic thinning and pruning without pause. These efforts have allowed us to maintain mountain forests which can be used without reducing tree resources. Currently, it is possible to see a diverse ecosystem in the forests of Koiwai Farm. This is an ecosystem with northern goshawks, falcons, owls and other birds of prey and Asian black bears at the apex.
The technologies of Koiwai Farm which have created this rich natural environment are now being used in various fields.

Environmental Greening Engineering

There is a need to improve the environment on a global scale. Against this background, we are actively engaged in the environmental greening engineering business. We are aiming with this business to maintain, restore, improve and create the environment by producing a new form of nature which coexists with people even in urban spaces based on the technologies we have built up at Koiwai Farm.

We are developing various environmental greening technologies to address environmental problems. These technologies include artificial ground greening technology which serves as a countermeasure against the heat island phenomenon in urban areas. Other examples include waterside greening technology to conserve waterside environments such as rivers and waterways and artificial wetland systems which apply the water purification functions from wetlands.

Biomass Technology

The biomass power generation and composting plant on our farm generates power using the methane gas obtained from livestock waste from our farm and processing residues from nearby food factories. We return the liquid fertilizer obtained from the compost and power generation processes to the farmland. In this way, we put into practice a sustainable and circular farm.

Environmental Education

We provide programs which allow you to realize the importance of environmental conservation and to deepen your understanding and interest in the environment while experiencing the splendor of the nature at Koiwai Farm. We also have attractions such as a tractor-pulled carriage ride through a private forest and natural observation events based on seasonal themes. We provide a course to learn about dairy farming and a course to visit important cultural properties among our programs for groups. Guides will provide you with information tailored to your interests. You will learn about our efforts to coexist with nature while visiting production sites not open to the public.


Safety, Peace of Mind, Clear Parentage and High Quality

Service Motto

“Safety, peace of mind, clear parentage and high quality” is the product and service motto of Koiwai Farm.
We select raw ingredients with a commitment to the parentage in addition to pursuing tastiness. In particular, the dairy cows at Koiwai Farm have a clear lineage because we produce them in-house having continued to improve the breeds imported during the Meiji period (1868 to 1912). Furthermore, we do not give feed containing antibiotics and similar substances from the nursing stage of the calves which will become our milking cows to ensure safe milk production with peace of mind. We also strive to keep the breeding environment clean and to manage health to produce raw milk with a good flavor.

Latest in Quality Control

Specialized staff check each process, including production, sorting and shipping, for quality control and hygiene management. We have set up a food product quality control and hygiene management structure. For example, we have introduced a HACCP system to manage the process of scientifically analyzing the potential hazards in food products and then removing them. Through such efforts, we are constantly improving the level of our quality management system.


Aiming to Be a Progressive Farm Which Takes on Challenges

Environmental Conservation, Sustainable and Circular Management

From cultivating barren wilderness and turning it into the lush green land of today, Koiwai Farm has come up with ideas and worked hard to improve the agriculture, forestry and livestock industries on a consistent basis as a production farm for a century. At the same time, we are expanding into various new related fields based on those ideas and hard work.
We are also improving our existing businesses and newly developed businesses as a progressive farm which takes on challenges. For instance, we introduce new technologies with a constant desire to improve ourselves.
We implement thorough breeding management, quality control and hygiene management under our motto of “safety, peace of mind, clear parentage and high quality.” At the same time, Koiwai Farm itself personally embodies environmental conservation, sustainable and circular management for environmental problems.