Use of This Website

Please read the following terms and conditions before using this website. We ask that you use this website only if you agree to these terms and conditions. Koiwai Farm, Ltd. (hereinafter “Koiwai Farm”) may change these terms and conditions without notice. Please check the latest version.

Protection of Intellectual Properties

The copyrights and other rights relating to the information and other data published on our website belong to Koiwai Farm or rights holders who have granted us permission to use that information or data. These copyrights are protected by the copyright laws and other intellectual property rights related laws/ordinances of each country. You may use this information only for your own personal use. You cannot use (including reproduction, modification and distribution) this information beyond that.

The trade names, trademarks and other marks of Koiwai Farm used on this website are protected by the Trademark Act, the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and other laws. You cannot use these names and marks without permission.

Prohibited Acts

You are prohibited from the following acts when using our website

(1) Infringement of the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of other customers, third parties and Koiwai Farm
(2) Defamation, libel or threats against other customers, third parties and Koiwai Farm
(3) Acts which cause or may cause a disadvantage or damage to other customers, third parties or Koiwai Farm
(4) Acts which may damage the credibility of Koiwai Farm or our website
(5) In addition to the acts in the above items, acts which violate these terms and conditions and acts which impede or may impede the operations of Koiwai Farm or third parties


We take great care when posting information on this website. Nevertheless, we do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of this information. We may change the information published on this website without notice. We will not accept responsibility for any damages incurred by your use of this information or your inability to use it for any reason.
In addition, we will not accept responsibility for software and hardware troubles or other damages caused by your use of this website.
Please note that we may change our terms and conditions and suspend or terminate the operation of this website without notice.
When using the websites of our affiliated companies linked to from our website, please follow the terms and conditions of those linked websites.

We will not accept responsibility for troubles and any damages arising in relation to links.

Governing Law and Court with Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions and our website are governed by the laws of Japan. Disputes in relation to this website or the agreement contents shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court unless otherwise specified.